GPS satelite

boat monitoring on your phone

GPS tracker, website, and mobile app are optimized for small and large boats, boats, yachts, dinghies, scooters, jet skis, sailboats, pedal boats, charter boats, and other mobile objects on the sea and rivers. One-click reports will make boat owners or charterers easier to do business with, and additional sensors provide complete monitoring and alarm.

Wialon (GURTAM) application remembers the route, the history of the vessel's movement for three months, speed and other data that will allow owners to reduce costs and optimize business. All with a high degree of security.

GPS tracker, website, and mobile app are optimized for small and large boats, boats, yachts, dinghies, scooters, jet skis, sailboats, pedal boats, charter boats, and other mobile objects on the sea and rivers. One-click reports will make boat owners or charterers easier to do business, and additional sensors provide complete monitoring and alarm.

Easy GPS device installation

The proven GPS tracker with top features is installed by connecting to a constant power source. GPS tracker vrhunskih karakteristika jednostavno se instalira spajanjem na stalan izvor napajanja.

The GPS locator comes configured according to your requirements and special needs, ready to connect and begin tracking your boat.

The GPS device comes with installation instructions in Croatian. You connect the device to the boat by yourself!

Access our GPS tracking platform without any contractual obligations

Access the Wialon (GURTAM) platform (mobile+web).

All GPS vessel tracking services are available without contractual obligation.

Possibility of activating/deactivating the service during the year.

Worldwide coverage without roaming costs

Unique BeeDigital Business M2M SIM card..

The system operates in more than 130 countries worldwide (over 300 telecom operators) without roaming charges.

GSM signal coverage: 


EU27 + BiH


Montenegro, Greece


more than 90 other countries

Call us

We will advise you free of charge and offer solutions for your needs. We have the answers to all your questions.

Call us without obligation to purchase every weekday and Saturday.

Order a free call

Enter your phone number and expect our call.

Buy a premium GPS device

GPS vessel monitoring with basic and advanced features

A verified GPS device of superior features is easily installed by connecting to a constant power source. For details about the GPS tracker and its price, call us i.e., send a message or email.

The GPS tracker and BeeDigital SIM card are configured according to your requirements and ready to connect and start tracking.

  • easy installation on a marine battery
  • simultaneous use of GPS, GLONASS and Galileo systems for precise positioning
  • possibility of detecting attempts to interfere with the tracking system, the location of the ship can be found even if jamming devices are used
  • The GPS device becomes your property
  • 24 months warranty for individuals and 12 months for legal entities produced in the EU
  • made in EU 
  • professional and verified configuration of each device before delivery
  • customer support

GPS surveillance service packages tailored to actual needs

GPS ship/vessel monitoring service

You can use the BeeDigital GPS tracking service for boats, yachts, boats, scooters, jet skis and other vessels all year round, but also pause during the months when you do not need it. This way of doing business is suitable for charter renters, charter sailing and rent-a-boat entrepreneurs.

The unique BeeDigital SIM card on the market connects to the strongest GSM signal wherever you are, regardless of the network. The bonus is that the service comes without unpredictable roaming costs outside the EU, which sets us apart from similar services on the market.


More than 4 milijuna praćenih objekata. U 2024. godini jedan od najkvalitetnijih sustava za satelitsko praćenje.

Web, iOS, Android and Huawei mobile application translated into 30 languages​, including Croatian, German and English

Guaranteed service uptime: 99.9%

Basic package - 4Nautic Hobi 4G

Essential GPS boat monitoring. A BeeDigital SIM card and instructions come with the device.

  • 4 mjeseca početne aktivacije
  • Self-installation of the device by connecting to the battery (+/-)
  • access to the Wialon (GURTAM) platform
  • speed
  • route
  • ignition of the engine
  • engine operating hour counter
  • battery (voltage) condition
  • GPS, GLONASS and Galileo system for precise positioning
  • nautical maps and AIS
  • sea ​​markings
  • marine and port locations
  • the beginning of the movement
  • speeding
  • departure and arrival at berth
  • creating a permitted navigation zone + ALARM
  • travel reports

Provjeri cijenu i detalje proizvoda

Advanced package - 4Nautic PRO 4G

Advanced GPS boat monitoring with additional sensors. A BeeDigital SIM card and instructions come with the device.

The package has all the functions from the basic package (4Nautic) 

+ additional options with the installation of a wireless sensor and / or relay: 

  • bilge pump operation detection
  • ship entry detection (Bluetooth magnetic sensor)
  • Bluetooth movement sensor
  • Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor
  • Bluetooth theft sensor
  • turning on and off lights, heating

Provjeri cijenu i detalje proizvoda

Autonomous package - 4Nautic BATTERY 4G

GPS monitoring of vessels without connecting to the vessel's installation. Charge the device with a USB charger once every 4-8 weeks. BeeDigital SIM card and instructions are included with the devices.

  • self-installation of the device without connecting to the battery
  • access to the Wialon (GURTAM) platform
  • speed
  • route
  • GPS system for precise positioning
  • nautical maps and AIS
  • sea ​​markings
  • marine and port locations
  • the beginning of the movement
  • speeding
  • departure and arrival at berth
  • creating a permitted navigation zone + ALARM
  • travel reports
  • Battery status of the GPS device


Provjeri cijenu i detalje proizvoda


More about GPS ship tracking system

BeeDigital offers innovative GPS tracking and vessel locating systems on an interactive nautical map in real-time, accessible on your computer or mobile device at any moment.

The system remembers the route, the history of the vessel's movement back three months, speed, and other data that will allow owners to reduce costs and optimize business with a high degree of security.


We use proven technology that already monitors and tracks millions of moving objects worldwide. Here are some of the options you get using our GPS vessel monitoring services:

  • sustav Wialon (GURTAM) trenutno prati više od 4 milijuna pokretnih objekata
  • use of nautical charts (maps) with an overview of the locations and movements of other vessels (AIS), amounts of sea depths, locations of marinas, sea markings (eg lighthouses), movement of sea currents and the like
  • easy-to-use app is adapted for all devices and operating systems (web, Android, iOS, Huawei) in Croatian and 30 other languages.
  • advanced notifications and real-time vessel information (current speed, engine working hours, battery voltage, start of movement, speed limit violations, departure or arrival at a mooring, and similar events) are delivered to your mobile device and web application.
  • guaranteed service uptime: 99.9%

With the installation of additional sensors and relays, the system enables complete monitoring and control of the vessel. Find out the amount of fuel remaining, set alarms for important events, activate alarms and receive important real-time notifications.

Call us

We will advise you free of charge and offer solutions for your needs. We have the answers to all your questions.

Call us without obligation to purchase every weekday and Saturday.

Order a free call

Enter your phone number and expect our call.

11 + 9 =

Why Wialon GPS solution?

Wialon: The Key to Successful Vessel, Vehicle, and Fleet Management Wialon is a leading global GPS tracking and fleet management system that offers a comprehensive solution for vehicle tracking, data analysis, and business optimization. Here are a few key reasons...

GPS nadzor za jetski

Što je važno za GPS nadzor jetski vodenog skutera? U daljnjem tekstu pojasniti ćemo ono što je najvažnije svakom vlasniku i iznajmljivaču, uz važnu informaciju kako postoje zakonske odredbe koje reguliraju plovidbu takvim plovilom. Ako želimo iznajmljivati vodeni...

GPS nadzor plovila za iznajmljivače i charter poduzeća

Kako lakše poslovati uz GPS nadzor brodova? GPS nadzor plovila, omogućuje poduzećima i osobama koje se bave charter iznajmljivanjem plovila da prate svoje plovilo u realnom vremenu. To im omogućuje da znaju gdje se nalazi njihovo plovilo u bilo kojem trenutku, a pruža...

Kako spriječiti krađu plovila ili vanbrodskog motora?

Više detalja o brodskim senzorima možete naći u ovom kratkom članku. BeeDigital sustav za GPS nadzor plovila omogućava uvid u stanje senzora u realnom vremenu, direktno putem mobilne aplikacije.

Senzori napona akumulatora, sati rada motora i kaljužne pumpe

Više detalja o brodskim senzorima možete naći u ovom kratkom članku. BeeDigital sustav za GPS nadzor plovila omogućava uvid u stanje senzora u realnom vremenu, direktno putem mobilne aplikacije.

Senzori u GPS tracker uređajima za praćenje brodova

Senzore možemo podijeliti na dvije osnovne vrste: (1) interni senzori koji se nalaze u samom uređaju, i (2) vanjski odnosno eksterni senzori koje na razne načine priključujemo na GPS uređaj. Priključiti ih možemo pomoću namjenskog kabela, što vrlo često zna biti komplicirano za ugradnju ili putem bežične (bluetooth) mreže što je naravno jednostavnije.

Kako funkcionira GPS sustav za satelitsko praćenje?

Sustav za GPS praćenje sastoji se od tri osnovna dijela: GPS tracker/lokator uređaja, mrežne veze na internet te platforme za satelitsko praćenje.

SIM kartica za GPS: Zašto odabrati BeeDigital M2M Business SIM karticu za GPS tracker uređaj koji prati plovila?

Kao što vjerojatno do sada znate, u GPS tracker / GPS lokator uređaj se stavlja SIM telefonska kartica kako bi se mogao obavljati GPS tracking (praćenje objekta u realnom vremenu). Starije verzije GPS uređaja za satelitsko praćenje mogli su samo zabilježiti kretanje...

Brzo, jednostavno, bez ugovora

Choose one of the 4Nautic packages and track your boat.

već sutra!

No contractual obligation with the option to deactivate as needed. One of our self-installation satellite vessel monitoring packages is likely to be all you need.

If you're unsure, please contact us for more information!